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Highlights from #NAPBS17

Tracepoint made its first appearance at the NAPBS Annual Conference this year, and we're excited to share with you some of the highlights from each day!

The three-day event took place in sunny Orlando, Florida and included exhibitions of the latest advancements in background screening technology and educational seminars from industry experts in fields ranging from data security to consumer litigation.

Day 1: Elizabeth earns her FCRA Advanced Certification

Having earned her Basic Certification in 2015, Elizabeth was excited to have the opportunity to complete NAPBS' FCRA Advanced Certification Course and Exam at the 2017 Annual Conference.

"I'm excited to use the expertise I've gained through the course to guide our team and continue to uphold Tracepoint's commitment to compliance."

Elizabeth is the third member of the Tracepoint Team to earn the Certification.

Lee Cockerell Keynote

Day 2: Keynote Address by Lee Cockerell, former Executive Vice President of Operations, Disney World Resort

Lee Cockerell kick-started day two of the conference, delivering a keynote address chalk full of practical advice and wisdom gained from his decades of experience in the hospitality industry.

In explaining the inner workings of the "most magical place on Earth", Lee pointed to a quote from the first line of his book:

"It’s not the magic that makes it work. It’s the way we work that makes it magic."

And chief among those magical business practices? According to Lee, it's hiring the right people and setting clear expectations. Now that's a philosophy that employment screening professionals can get behind!

Day 3: FCRA Cutting-Edge Compliance Issues and Litigation Trends

Our highlight of day three was a panel on current compliance issues regarding the Fair Credit Reporting Act. We spoke to our Compliance Officer, Kaly, to get the skinny on why litigation in this area is so important to background screening providers:

"As a screening provider, it is absolutely vital that we stay informed of the ever-changing trends within employment litigation--Not just for our own commitment to compliance but also to safeguard our clients and insure that we are able to educate them on best practices when it comes to their hiring process so that we can help them steer clear of potential risk.

Hearing firsthand from attorneys who specialize in FCRA litigation was a great way to do our own compliance checkup and stay up-to-date on the latest trends."

Overall, we were thrilled at how much valuable insight we gained at the conference and are ready to put it all to use to continue providing the best possible service for our clients. See you next year at NAPBS18!

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