Healthcare Background Screening
Security Starts with Screening
As a healthcare provider, the first step in creating a safe environment for patients and staff is ensuring that all personnel are thoroughly vetted and well qualified for their role.
Because healthcare professionals often have direct access to patients, sensitive medical data, and high-value tools and equipment, failing to properly screen employees can put all of these assets - including the company itself - at risk.
In addition to thorough Criminal Records Searches and appropriate License and Education Verification, many healthcare businesses supplement their new-hire background screening program with Pre-Employment and Random drug screening. This additional security measure serves to further minimize risk by keeping illicit drug use at bay and ensuring that all personnel adhere to a drug-free workplace policy.
Expertise you can Trust
Tracepoint is experienced in providing custom screening solutions tailored to specific industry needs. We recommend the following background screening packages for healthcare businesses:
Healthcare Background Check
Social Security Number Trace & Verification
National Criminal Database Search
Federal Criminal Records Search
Sex Offender Database Search
OIG Exclusions List - State Assistance Abuse
Global Criminal / Terrorist Watch List
County Criminal Records Search
License/Credential Verification
Education Verification
Employment Verification
Additional Screening Services
Workers' Compensation Verification
Federal Civil Records Search
County Civil Records Search
Motor Vehicle Records (MVR)
Drug Screening Services
5-Panel, 10-Panel
Oral Fluid
5-Panel, 9-Panel + Alcohol
Louisiana State Background Check
Tracepoint is a Louisiana State Police Authorized Agency and provides the Louisiana Criminal History Information Search for nonlicensed medical professionals, as required by the Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH).
Our ordering process is quick and simple, and we offer same-day or next-business-day results on most searches.
Louisiana State Background Check
Louisiana Criminal History Information Search
Sex Offender Search
Motor Vehicle Report (Optional)
Call us today to learn how to order a Louisiana State Background Check!
Request a Free Quote Today!